So, I've been reading back through my blog. Have you ever done that? It's amazing the things that you forget. I really love reading back through all of it. So, you may start seeing a bit more of the mundane, family stuff mixed in with the scrappy/crafty schtuff.
Starting now! LOL!
~Tomorrow, Little Man has a follow up doctor's appointment. At his four year check up I expressed some concerns about his hearing. The doc found some fluid and so prescribed some OTC allergy meds. We'll go tomorrow and find out if it's helping or not. I have noticed that he doesn't have such a hard time hearing me now so maybe it is helping. I just really don't want him to have allergies. It just seems like such a pain in the tuckus! :(
~He's got preschool tomorrow and I need to remember to bring money because it's Book Fair time!!! We looked on Tuesday and there's a Cat in the Hat book that he wants. And, an Artemis Fowl book that I'd like, and for only two bucks! Woot!
~Miss Thing's fever finally broke! She's been hot since Friday night. She's still coughing and phlemy though. Andrew had to stay home from my cousin's wedding on Saturday and stay with her. Totally a bummer because...I wore a dress!!! LOL! I'll post a pic once my uncle gives me some of his. :) Anyway, she was super warm (101.5) and rather lethargic but she was still eating and drinking well so I went by myself.
~I subscribed to the Nook! It's been an online home of mine for over a year and a half but with all the house searching and such I couldn't really commit until I knew we'd be fine. I'd hate to overextend myself and then have to cancel. But, after a year here, I took the plunge! I got my first kit and it's gorgeous!!!
I've started a cool two-pager but Miss Thing is super clingy when sick may have to wait a while to see it. LOL!
~Speaking of scrappy-ness, my next project (after that layout) is to get crackin' on my December Daily album. I did one in '08 and LOVED it! I don't think I'll do an every day thing like I did two years ago, because I was going to do that last year and the stress of it with two small kids and a new home was just too much and I skipped it. So, I'm just going to try to hit the high points and if I get a picture for the day, cool. If not, totally cool, too. Heh!
So, are you doing a December Daily this year? If you are, I'd love to see it, so share a link in the comments so I can give you some love! :)