Sunday, January 17, 2010

Project 365 Update

Brace yourselves, folks. It's a long one!

January 12th~Audrey's nine-month check-up was today. She and Mickey both ended up getting their H1N1 boosters and they both were very brave and hardly cried. Audrey is in the 50th percentile for height, weight and head size. Perfectly proportioned!
January 13th~Today Mickey and I went on a Mommy/Mickey date. He's been having a bit of a hard time lately and I think it's the lack of one-on-one time. We went to Costco and had snacks and pizza for dinner and Michael's where we both got toys.

January 14th~Granny came over today for our first weekly crochet date. We would have started sooner but the kids and I all had colds. I set Mickey up with his own needle and yarn and he had a great time "crocheting".

January 15th~Andrew had to work at the Home Show in Salem on Friday and Saturday so we went to see him on Friday night. Mickey and I walked around and saw all sorts of cool stuff. Then we took Daddy to dinner at Burger King.
January 16th~We met Andrew's family for dinner at Olive Garden in Salem to celebrate Grandpa Norman's 75th birthday. The restaraunt was packed and the wait was almost two hours. We all mingled in the waiting area and had a great evening.

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