Friday, April 3, 2009

One week left and some thoughts on that.

I'm 39 weeks pregnant today. It keeps sneaking up on me. I'm getting excited to meet this little girl. Her room is almost ready (sans new wall paint) and I just need to find a dust ruffle for her crib, get her some pink blankets and buy a few more clothes. I also have a little project ala Ali Edwards paper lantern lights that I need to finish for her.

The other day it just hit me like a ton of bricks that I'm going to have two children. It won't be just me and little dude at home anymore. We're going to have someone else with us all the time. It's been him and I for so long that it just struck me as weird. We've got a pretty good routine worked out and now it's all going to go out the door. It makes me a little nervous now and then...

I hope he adjusts well to his new sister. I hope he doesn't resent her. I hope he doesn't get ignored in favor of a brand new, sweet baby girl. I hope he's as good a big brother as I think he's going to be.

I hope she won't be ignored for her adorable, active big brother. I hope that she's healthy and easy going. I hope that I can give her the kind of attention that she deserves. I hope that she is as happy to be in our family as we are to have her.

I hope I can handle having two children. I hope that I can encourage my kids to love each other and be supportive siblings and not rivals. I hope that this labor and delivery goes well. I hope that my husband can be there when I deliver. I hope he knows how much I need and love him even when I'm wrapped up with our kids. I hope.

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