Monday, May 23, 2011

Mickey's Miracle-5/9/11

Our last day at Doernbecher's!


Finally, we found out Monday morning that we were being discharged. We had a bunch of people who needed to see us first so it was a very busy morning indeed. Doctors for Mickey, a family therapist for all of us, and nurses to teach us how to care for Mickey’s c-collar. When they had done his MRI, they found some swelling in between the bones and muscles of his uppermost vertebra. So, he would have to wear a collar home and probably for anywhere from 2 to 6-8 weeks.

Mickey got to go to the patient play room when we spoke to the family therapist and he loved it! There were trucks and craft stuff and he did a puzzle all by himself and he made me a picture frame. He was all wound up when we got back and playing on the floor while we were getting ready to leave. We were very rushed but honestly, considering the alternative, we didn’t care.


Well, that's it. Mickey's accident and his miraculous recovery. I truly believe that it was the amazing staff at Doernbecher's, the quick responses from Canby Fire and Life Flight, and the prayers from friends and family all over the world that should be credited with it. They were all amazing!


wendipooh13 said...

oh wow!!! What an amazing miracle!! I'm sooo glad to hear Mickey is doing better!!! what a strong mom you are...

@JoyceCasaldi said...

Continued thoughts and prayers for all of you.
You are very brave and a true HERO!

Mary Ann said...

I am so glad to hear things are turning out for the better and he is doing well!

Nikki said...

Erica- Thanks for sharing your whole story. I am praying for you guys. I keep praying for you to find peace, especially at night!

Nikki said...

Erica- Thank you for sharing your story! I keep praying for you all and for you to find peace, especially at night! Little Mickey looks great!

Gretchen Keyser said...

I read your original post about Mickey's accident and it has been on my mind since then. I had no idea what had happened and I could not begin to imagine what you must have been going through. I came across a link to your blog on facebook and I have spent the last hour reading about this tragically, incredible journey you have had. I had no idea how he had been doing so I must say I was so afraid to read on at times. When I got to the end, I cried for all the reasons you could imagine.
I am so happy that everything has worked out as it should. His work here is not done. Your story has reminded me to cherish each day with my children. I admire your strength and my thoughts are with you as you and your family continue to heal.

Heather said...

Oh Erica what a traumatic journey you have all been on!! Thank goodness it all turned out well & that Mickey is his bright & cheerful self once more. I hope you are getting less flashbacks now & can rest a bit easier. Life is so precious isn'it :)