Wednesday, March 19, 2008


It was wonderful. It was awesome. It was amazing!!!

I love, love, love Cirque Du Soleil and I so love and appreciate my wonderful Uncle Doug for taking us to see it. He bought us Tapis Rouge tickets, which is their version of VIP. So, we had our own private area to wait in, free food and drinks before the show and during intermission, our own bathrooms, and a goodie bag with a program and CD. (Yes, I made my little brother get a program even though he didn't want one so I could use it for scrappin'!) :D

Oh, and Uncle Doug took us all out to dinner at a really yummy Italian place near his house. I love me some Italian food!!! :D

There was juggling, there was acrobatics, there was everything under the sun you could imagine. Oh, it was just wonderful. There were trapeze artists with no trapeze, they swung on people!!! People!!! Amazing! There was a high wire act that blew my mind. First, she went across en pointe, then on a unicycle, then with like TEN hula hoops!!! Hello! I can't even do one...on the ground!!! Finally, she walked the tightrope up a 45 degree angle. It bordered on the impossible.

There was a little person couple that were probably in their 50's who did some amazing stuff. I mean they were so flexible and strong and amazing!!! I want to be able to climb stairs without it bothering my hip at 50 and they are balancing and holding their entire bodies up with just their necks!!! Fantastic!

Anyway, if you ever get the chance to go to any of the Cirque's, I highly, highly recommend it.

PS-You won't regret it.

PPS-Did I mention it was awesome?!!

PPPS-Thank you, thank you, thank you Uncle Doug!!! Love ya!!! :D


Christina Carnoy said...

sooooooooooooooooooo jealous! That's it, I'm going next year!!!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic show - I agree!!!!! We saw the first show which was the same night as we met all of you ladies at CKC - talk about a LONG DAY!!!! Lily made it through the first half, but once we changed her into her jammies it was all over!

I just absolutely loved it!!!! Every bit of it!


Kay said...

I'm so glad you had such a great time! Next year we are going to take Simon. Everytime the commercials would come on he would yell "Wow mommy wow!" i'm already saving for it since I want to do the VIP thing too!

Corina said...

Sounds so cool!! I've never been to one of them.. :D

noel joy said...

how seriously cool is that! i love the cirque! funny, i was just talking to someone about this tonight! crazy! :D :D :D

sounds like you guys had a blast! yeah for uncle doug!

jadadog said...

just want to say the tutorial was great! TFS!

Samantha said...

Wow! Sounds like you had a really fun time!