Monday, December 6, 2010

December Daily-Day 6!

Today was all about errands! We hit a couple of stores and then wound up at Kohl's. Right before we left I figured it was a good idea for Little Man to go to the rest room. We went into the family restroom and they not only had an adult sized toilet but a smaller one just for kids! It was so awesome! I made Mickey stand next to it so you could see the actual size. Hee!!! So cool!

After dinner, the plan was to decorate the tree in the living room. Well, I got one strand of lights out and checked it and then looked for another. All the rest of my green corded tree lights have white lights! I wanted to zip to the store to pick some multi-colored ones up but Andrew wanted to just use the white ones we have.
So, we did neither and after he leaves for Vegas tomorrow, the kids and I will go get some colored lights. LOL! I mean seriously, can you get a pic as cool as this with white lights????
After that, we watched Rudolph on DVD and then tucked the kids in. I got two and a half gifts bought today and with all the random running around, I'm wiped!
I hope you had a great day, too! :D

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